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Références des projets
Pays / Région | Nom du Projet | Client / Financement | Période | Devis (€) |
República Dominicana | Servicios de consultoría para el diseño e implementación de la Estrategia de Comunicación del Programa Ciudad Mujer en la República Dominicana | Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) | 03/2023-12/2024 | 293.700 USD |
América Latina y Caribe (regional) | Análisis de la situación de los servicios de atención y protección a víctimas de trata de personas | Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) | 082021-01/2022 | 45.420 USD |
Colombia | Asistencia técnica para la implementación de la TV digital en Colombia | European Comission (EC) | 12/2016-07/2018 | 3.844.086 |
Brussels | Support to the assessment of grant applications received in the framework of the restricted Call for proposals: EuropeAid/161066/DH/ACT/Multi “ACP Digital Financial Services (Digital4Inclusion)” | European Commision (EC) | 10/2019-04/2020 | 141.258 |
Serbia | Evaluation of the Project Preparation Facility actions – Project/Programme Evaluation | European Commission (EC) | 11/2019-03/2020 | 76.400 |
PALOP countries (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tomé y Príncipe) | Training on Policy Dialogue and Negotiation Skills in practice for Delegations and NAO services – PALOP-TL | European Commission (EC) | 09/2019-02/2020 | 71.961 |
México | Evaluación final del Laboratorio de Cohesión Social II México | European Commission (EC) | 08/2019-01/2020 | 139.474 |
Curaçao | Technical assistance to the Government of Curaçao for the Programming of the 11th EDF Building Resilient & Sustainable Communities | European Commission (EC) | 07/2019-01/2020 | 84.800 |
Perú | Evaluación del uso potencial de Galileo (Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite GNSS) y Copérnico (Programa de Observación de la Tierra) en el Perú | European Commission (EC) | 03-05/2019 | 57.596 |
Brussels | Support to the assessment of grant applications received in the framework of the restricted Call for Proposals: EuropeAid/161146/DH/ACT/Multi – Local Authorities: Partnership for sustainable cities | European Commission (EC) | 12/2018-04/2019 | 156.196 |
Senegal | Étude d’identification por l’appui à la Gouvernance dans le secteur des Transports au Sénegal – 11ème FED | European Commission (EC) | 09/2018-12/2018 | 78.810 |
South Africa | Private Higher Education Institutions: Information Management System | European Commission (EC) | 08/2018-05/2019 | 217.390 |
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia | P/C/FEMM/FWC/2015-056- Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of External Expertise to the European Parliament's Committee on Womens' Rights and Gender Equality. Lot 3: Women's rights and gender equality in third countries. “Women’s rights in Western Balkans” | European Parliament | 07-11/2018 | 40.650 |
Pakistan | Impact assessment of Programme Interventions of the Union Council Based Poverty Reduction Programme in First Four Districts of Sindh Province | European Commission (EC) | 04-12/2018 | 174.486 |
Eritrea | Final review of EDF 10 funded programme estimates in Eritrea “Capacity Building for the Public Administration” | European Commission (EC) | 11-12/2017 | 40.718 |
Central America | Evaluación Final Programa de Apoyo a la Estrategia de Seguridad de Centroamérica | European Commission (EC) | 12/2017-05/2018 | 117.822 |
Tunisie | Appui au démarrage du Programme: Initiative pilote pour le développement local integer (IPDLI) | European Commission (EC) | 09/2017-04/2018 | 50.937 |
Maroc | Evaluation finale du Programme d'accompagnement aux Recommandations de l'Instance Equité et Réconciliation en matière d'Histoire et de Mémoire (IER 2) | European Commission (EC) | 01-05/2017 | 64.724 |
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela | ¿Iguales?: Support in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Gender Action Plan II in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Venezuela | European Commission (EC) | 01/2017-01/2018 | 145.320 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Design of an EU Support Programme to BiH to fight organised crime and corruption, and to enhance the impact of the work of the Office of the Disciplinary Council | European Commission (EC) | 01-04/2017 | 93.330 |
Benin | Appui au démarrage du Programme d’Appui au développement territorial 11ème FED | European Commission (EC) | 11/2016-05/2018 | 211.707 |
South Africa | Curriculum Development Social Dialogue | European Commission (EC) | 01-07/2017 | 47.465 |
China | Gender country analysis for China | European Commission (EC) | 01-09/2017 | 44.538 |
Swaziland | Final evaluation for the Micro Projects Programme Swaziland | Euroepan Commission (EC) | 08-12/2016 | 42.480 |
Cambodia | Coaching on Logical Framework for partners of the EIDHR Programme (European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights) | European Commission (EC) | 08/2016-02/2017 | 76.508 |
Malawi | Analysis of the gender equality and women empowerment situation in Malawi and end of term evaluation for the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Agenda in Malawi (GEWEM) | European Commission (EC) | 08-11/2016 | 96.640 |
World Wide | Analysis of the gender equality Terms of Reference for experts ("assessors") to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the call for proposals | European Commission (EC) | 06-11/2016 | 160.650 |
Jordan | Technical Assistance for skills development and employability | European Commission (EC) | 01-06/2016 | 203.296 |
Ghana | Needs assessment of the department of labour of the Ministry of Employment and labour relations | European Commission (EC) | 01-04/2016 | 96.350 |
Tunisia | Identification et formulation d’un projet de développement régional intégré en Tunisie | European Commission (EC) | 11/2015-08/2016 | 166.590 |
IPA region | Thematic Evaluation IPA/ENPI Support to Public Administration Reform | European Commission (EC) | 12/2015-02/2017 | 221.606 |
Iraq | Assistance to the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of calls for proposals | European Commission (EC) | 10/2015-07/2016 | 59.875 |
Brussels | Gender Facility and Neighbourhood South | European Commission (EC) | 09/2015-08/2016 | 261.594 |
Burundi | Identification et Formulation du Projet Régional Paix et Sécurité pour la stabilité dans la région 11ème FED - Grands Lacs | European Commission (EC) | 09/2015-01/2016 | 79.360 |
Sri Lanka | Final Evaluation of projects under the European Union – Support to Socio Economic Measures in North& East Sri Lanka (EU-SEM) | European Commission (EC) | 10/2015-02/2016 | 77.636 |
Tajikistan | Provision of Technical Assistance to support the Identification and Formulation of a rural development Programme within the frame of the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (2014-2020) | European Commission (EC) | 09/2015-06/2016 | 198.634 |
South Sudan | Recruitment of Assessors to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the Call for Proposals | European Commission (EC) | 07/2015-12/2016 | 45.270 |
South Africa | Erasmus Mundus Action 2 South Africa: Tracer and Impact Study | European Commission (EC) | 01-11/2015 | 87.848 |
Malawi | Mid Term Evaluation of the Capacity Development for the National Authorizing Officer's Support Unit in Malawi | European Commission (EC) | 11/2014-01/2015 | 26.403 |
Timor Leste | Mid-Term Review of the EU Support to Democratic Governance Process & Support to identification and formulation of the new Good Governance Programme | European Commission (EC) | 11/2014-12/2015 | 98.558 |
Laos | Support to EU Nutrition Programme in Lao PDR | European Commission (EC) | 10/2014-10/2016 | 135.314 |
Guatemala | EuropeAid/135330/IH/SER/GT- Servicios para el diseño y ejecución de una estrategia de comunicación y sensibilización, su medición y monitoreo, sobre derechos ciudadanos y delitos de violencia contra la mujer y otros, en la república de Guatemala | European Commission (EC) | 09/2014-05/2015 | 507.142 |